One call

One call literally changed the trajectory of my life. It feels like yesterday and yet so long ago, but counting it’s been nineteen days. Nineteen long and arduous days. It seems that each day the reality seeps in a little more and it hurts deep. I scrolled through old texts last night and looked at all the calls back and forth. I’ve never gone so long without hearing your voice. Not ever since the day you were born. You became more than a son, you were my friend. A best friend, an encourager, a sharer of life. I cannot express how much I miss you. I grieve the loss of you as much as I love you. I’m as thankful for the years I was able to have you in my life as I am devastated that I won’t get to see all that I dreamed you would become. The waves of emotion overwhelm me when I least expect. This is a journey I never expected and I will have to blindly feel my way through. My life forever changed in an instant. Until I see you again…